* Esse questionário foi feito com perguntas tiradas das provas de ciências do CSVP de 2008.
Super quiz de Ciências
1) a) Defina a palavra ecologia.
b) “Qualquer plantinha, da alga microscópica do mar ao imponente pinheiro dos planaltos do sul, todos os vegetais são capazes de uma mágica para produzir seu próprio alimento.”
A que processo o autor está se referindo?
c) Que substâncias são produzidas durante esse processo?
d) Dê um exemplo de desequilíbrio ecológico.
e) Cadeia alimentar é uma incessante transferência de energia e matéria.
Explique a afirmativa acima com suas palavras.
2) Leia o texto e responda a pergunta a seguir:
Zebra e veado-campeiro – Esses animais nutrem-se de plantas diversas no ambiente em que vivem; logo, em relação ao tipo de nutrição, têm nichos semelhantes. Mas eles não disputam por alimento, pois vivem em diferentes habitats. A zebra vive nas savanas africanas; o veado-campeiro vive nos cerrados e no Pantanal do Brasil, entre outros ambientes da América do Sul.
Cutia e gavião-pega-macaco – Esses animais vivem na mata Atlântica, ou seja, têm o mesmo habitat. A cutia alimenta-se de frutos, sementes, raízes; às vezes, ela invade lavouras próximas do seu habitat, mandiocais e canaviais, por exemplo, buscando alimento. O gavião-pega-macaco é uma ave que se nutre dos animais que captura, como macacos, cutias, pacas, ratos e outras aves diversas. Assim, a cutia e o gavião-pega-macaco não disputam por alimento. Embora vivam no mesmo habitat, têm nichos ecológicos diferentes se considerarmos os hábitos alimentares.
Tico-tico e tié-sangue – Esses pássaros vivem na mata Atlântica. Nutrem-se de frutas, pequenos grãos, larvas e insetos diversos. Têm então o mesmo habitat e, em relação ao tipo de alimento, têm nichos ecológicos semelhantes.
Em qual das situações apresentadas as espécies são competidoras?
3) Defina os termos abaixo:
População: _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
Indivíduo: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
4) Os liquens são constituídos pela associação entre algas azuis ou verdes e fungos. As algas, como organismos produtores, sintetizam matéria orgânica e fornecem aos fungos parte do alimento produzido. Estes, por sua vez, retiram água e sais minerais do substrato, fornecendo-os às algas. Além disso, os fungos envolvem o grupo de algas, protegendo-as contra a desidratação.
Como é chamada essa associação?
5) Marque com um X apenas a resposta correta.
a) Que grupo está organizado do simples para o complexo?
( ) Biosfera; ecossistema; organismo; comunidade; população.
( ) População; ecossistema; comunidade; organismo; biosfera.
( ) População; organismo; comunidade; ecossistema; biosfera.
( ) Organismo; população; comunidade; ecossistema; biosfera.
( ) Organismo; comunidade; população; ecossistema; biosfera.
b) Durante o verão podem ser encontrados sobre as folhas de uma certa planta um tipo de gafanhoto verde, a esperança, e um tipo de louva-a-deus, também verde. A esperança alimenta-se de folhas da planta e enterra seus ovos no solo, enquanto o louva-a-deus é predador, alimenta-se de insetos e usa o caule da mesma planta para fixar seus ovos.
Esses insetos apresentam:
( ) mesmo habitat e mesmo nicho ecológico.
( ) mesmo habitat e função de produtores.
( ) diferentes habitats e função de produtores.
( ) diferentes habitats e mesmo nicho ecológico.
( ) mesmo habitat e diferentes nichos ecológicos.
c) Chuvas intensas reduziram à metade o cafezal de uma região. As plantas sobreviventes foram, em seguida, atacadas por uma bactéria e um fungo, que reduziram ainda mais a população. Essa população sofreu, sucessivamente, os efeitos de:
( ) um fator abiótico e dois fatores bióticos.
( ) um fator biótico e dois fatores abióticos.
( ) três fatores bióticos.
( ) três fatores abióticos.
d) Considere a seguinte lista de pares de organismo:
I – Protozoário e cupim.
II – Cipó-chumbo e cafeeiro.
III – Lombriga e homem.
IV – Liquen e árvore.
São exemplos de parasitismo as relações apresentadas pelos pares:
( ) I e II. ( ) II e IV.
( ) I e III. ( ) III e IV.
( ) II e III.
e) Pequenos peixes, chamados rêmoras, se deslocam de um lado para o outro, fixados num tubarão, aproveitando os restos alimentares deixados pelo grande predador dos mares.
Em ecologia, essa associação é denominada:
( ) parasitismo.
( ) competição.
( ) comensalismo.
( ) mutualismo.
( ) predatismo.
f) Certo pássaro extrai as sanguessugas dos dentes do crocodilo. Este permite que a ave se introduza em sua boca para realizar as buscas por alimento. Tal tipo de relação é conhecido como:
( ) mutualismo.
( ) comensalismo.
( ) predatismo.
( ) parasitismo.
( ) competição.
g) Observe o esquema abaixo. Nessa teia alimentar, o lagarto pode ser considerado:
( ) produtor.
( ) consumidor de primeira ordem.
( ) consumidor de segunda ordem.
( ) consumidor de terceira ordem.
( ) consumidor de quarta ordem.
6) O elefante africano pode pesar até 6 toneladas. Vive nas savanas e matas de galeria, onde se alimenta de folhas e galhos verdes. O comércio do marfim e a caça esportiva são responsáveis por sua matança.
a) Em uma cadeia alimentar, o elefante africano pode ser um consumidor secundário? Justifique sua resposta.
b) Qual o ecossistema do elefante africano? Esse ecossistema é natural ou artificial?
7) O cipó-chumbo é uma planta sem clorofila que obtém seu alimento retirando de outro vegetal as substâncias orgânicas fabricadas na fotossíntese.
No Jardim Botânico é comum encontrarmos troncos de árvores cobertos de bromélias e orquídeas. Por outro lado, em algumas cidades podem-se ver árvores cobertas pelo cipó-chumbo.
Como essas duas situações podem ser classificadas?
8) Considere os itens abaixo.
a) Luz do sol d) Água
b) Mamíferos e) Vegetais
c) Temperatura f) Umidade
Desses, em uma floresta, constituem fatores abióticos apenas:
( ) a – b – e – f ( ) a – b – c – d
( ) a – c – d – f ( ) c – d – b – f
9) Como se chama a relação entre:
a) o pássaro anu e o gado?
b) o carrapato e o gado?
c) o pássaro e o carrapato?
10) As aves citadas abaixo podem ser encontradas na mata Atlântica. Leia os textos sobre cada uma e classifique as aves em herbívora, carnívora ou onívora.
a) O macuco é conhecido como “o príncipe melancólico da floresta”, porque seu pio lembra um toque de flauta. Essa ave come sementes, frutos silvestres e pequenos animais que encontra no solo da mata.
b) A jacutinga é uma ave muito bonita que lembra um peru pequeno. Quando pia pode emitir desde sons graves até uma espécie de assovio fino. Alimenta-se de frutas silvestres e também de animais como insetos diversos, que encontra ao ciscar o chão da floresta.
c) O gavião-pega-macaco voa rapidamente, captura um animal, enfia suas fortes garras no corpo dele, vai a um lugar sossegado e o devora. Apesar do nome, esse gavião come, além de macacos, animais como ratos e pássaros diversos.
d) O papagaio-chorão, além de imitar a voz humana, é capaz de assobiar e até gargalhar. Alimenta-se de frutos diversos e sementes, como os pinhões, que seu bico forte descasca e tritura.
11) De que maneira a água está diretamente ligada à vida?
12) Dê um exemplo de algo que está causando a destruição da água doce disponível no planeta.
13) Um relatório da Unesco afirma que, se as reservas de água não forem protegidas, dois terços da população mundial viverão em regiões com problemas de abastecimento no ano de 2025. Sabendo disso, não é correto afirmar:
( ) A água é um patrimônio de todos os seres vivos e o mais precioso existente em todo o planeta.
( ) A água é o principal constituinte do corpo humano (cerca de 70%). Além disso, ajuda em algumas funções vitais, como o controle da temperatura do corpo.
( ) A água é componente essencial para o bom funcionamento geral do organismo.
( ) Algumas formas conhecidas de vida não precisam de água.
14) A mesma água que dá a vida pode prejudicá-la. A qualidade da água fica comprometida por ações do próprio homem, como acumular lixo no solo de regiões onde a água da chuva se infiltra ou nas ruas onde ela escorre pela superfície em direção aos rios e ao mar.
Quanto à qualidade da água encontrada no planeta, marque as corretas:
( ) A água mineral é um tipo de água que brota de fontes do subsolo e não possui nenhuma substância dissolvida.
( ) A água dos rios se origina nas nascentes dos lençóis subterrâneos, contendo também água da chuva que escoa pela superfície.
( ) Fossas sanitárias construídas sem a correta impermeabilização podem comprometer a qualidade da água de que o homem se serve.
( ) O mercúrio, utilizado em garimpos para as lavagens de ouro, nos rios brasileiros não compromete a saúde do homem.
15) Por possuir a capacidade de dissolver inúmeras substâncias, a água é chamada de ______________________________. A substância dissolvida é o _________________. Esse tipo de mistura, em que uma substância se dissolve em outra, é chamada ____________________.
16) Na mistura de água e sal podemos afirmar que:
( ) o sal e a água são solventes.
( ) essa mistura é uma solução.
( ) a água é o soluto e o sal é o solvente.
( ) o sal não se dissolve em água, logo é hidrossolúvel.
17) A água que você bebe precisa ser potável. Para ser potável, a água deve possuir qualidades especiais. Você sabe que a água não tem cheiro e isso quer dizer que ela é _______________________. Experimentando-a, verá que ela não tem gosto, ou seja é _____________________. Ela também não tem cor, é ______________________.
18) Um copo está cheio com água sem cor, sem cheiro e sem sabor. Podemos afirmar com certeza que se trata de uma água potável? Justifique sua resposta.
19) Reflita sobre as atitudes do homem, ao se apropriar de um recurso natural que pode faltar para as populações vindouras. A seguir, cite duas ações que podemos praticar para que o mau uso da água não comprometa a vida no planeta Terra.
20) O que é matéria?
21) Com os conhecimentos que a Ciência nos trouxe, ainda é possível afirmar que os átomos são indivisíveis? Justifique sua resposta.
22) O símbolo de um elemento químico é universal, não importando as traduções que o nome possa apresentar. Assim, o símbolo de um elemento é o mesmo no Brasil, na França, na China, no Japão, etc.
Sabendo que os nomes latinos dos elementos dão origem aos símbolos químicos, marque a opção em que aparecem os símbolos do enxofre, cobre e ferro respectivamente.
( ) S – C – F ( ) S – Cu – Fe
( ) Na – Ca – Fe ( ) E – Cu – F
23) Os átomos se combinam dando origem às substâncias.
Para possibilitar a comunicação entre as pessoas, os químicos representam as substâncias por meio de fórmulas. Por exemplo, dois átomos de carbono podem combinar-se com seis átomos de hidrogênio e um de oxigênio, formando a molécula do álcool. Qual a fórmula molecular do álcool?
24) Complete com os nomes das mudanças de estado físico da água:
a) De gasoso para líquido: ____________________________________
b) De líquido para sólido: _____________________________________
c) De sólido para líquido: _____________________________________
d) De líquido para gasoso: _____________________________________
25) a) Cite dois motivos para explicar por que está tão difícil acabar com a dengue, mesmo com os recursos tecnológicos disponíveis nos dias atuais.
b) Qe medidas de combate à dengue também podem ser úteis à febre amarela?
26) A observação é uma das habilidades mais requisitadas nos cientistas. Para desenvolver essa habilidade, observamos atentamente uma caneta esferográfica e uma vela acesa.
a) Qual o componente ambiental que garante o funcionamento da caneta esferográfica?
b) Por que esse tipo de caneta recebeu o nome de caneta esferográfica?
c) Qual o componente ambiental que favorece a queima da vela?
d) Quais foram as formas de energia observadas na vela acesa?
27) Defina a palavra atmosfera.
28) Quais substâncias gasosas contribuem para o efeito estufa?
29) Complete com os nomes:
a) Cite o nome do fenômeno que é intensificado na atmosfera, relativo à retenção de calor.
b) Cite o nome do principal gás que vem intensificando esse fenômeno nas últimas décadas.
c) Identifique a principal atividade humana responsável pelo aumento da taxa desse gás na atmosfera.
30) Escreva o nome da camada:
a) que reflete as ondas de rádio. ____________________________________
b) em que existe concentração de ozônio. ____________________________
c) em que ocorrem as mudanças que afetam o clima do mundo.
31) Por que foi necessário proibir o uso dos gases conhecidos como CFCs?
32) As queimadas nas florestas emitem grande quantidade de dióxido de carbono, contribuindo para o efeito estufa.
Sobre a combustão, responda:
a) Quais os fatores necessários para que esse fenômeno ocorra?
b) Quais as duas substâncias produzidas na maioria dos casos de combustão?
33) A pressão atmosférica _______________________ (aumenta/diminui) com a altitude.
34) Identifique as camadas da Terra:
35) Qual é a diferença entre o núcleo externo e o núcleo interno, considerando o estado físico dos materiais que os compõem?
36) A crosta terrestre é composta por três camadas. Identifique cada uma dessas camadas na ordem em que se apresentam:
1 - __________________________________________
2 - __________________________________________
3 - __________________________________________
37) Sobre as rochas que compõem a crosta terrestre, assinale a alternativa correta:
(a) As rochas sedimentares formaram-se pelo resfriamento e pela solidificação de minerais da crosta terrestre, isto é, o magma.
(b) As rochas metamórficas formaram-se a partir das transformações sofridas pelas rochas magmáticas e sedimentares quando submetidas ao calor e à pressão do interior da Terra.
(c) As rochas magmáticas formaram-se a partir da compactação de sedimentos de outras rochas.
(d) O arenito e o calcário são exemplos de rochas metamórficas.
(e) O gnaisse e o mármore são exemplos de rochas sedimentares.
38) “É um fragmento cinza-escuro de uma rocha bem semelhante ao granito, chamada gnaisse...”
A rocha sublinhada acima é uma:
( ) rocha sedimentar ( ) rocha metamórfica ( ) rocha magmática
39) E o granito, é uma rocha magmática, metamórfica ou sedimentar?
40) As rochas de arenito são:
( ) metamórficas ( ) sedimentares ( ) magmáticas
41) Como elas se formaram?
42) Como se chamam os tipos de erosão que moldam rochas de arenito, por exemplo?
43) O magma que forma o manto terrestre, é o material que origina as rochas magmáticas, também chamadas de rochas ígneas.
(ígneo define as coisas que dizem respeito ao fogo, que são da natureza do fogo)
Levando em consideração o local onde se formaram, explique a diferença entre rochas magmáticas intrusivas e extrusivas e cite um exemplo de cada:
46) As rochas dos morros do pão de açúcar e do Corcovado são metamórficas.
a) Quais os fatores que permitiram a formação dessas rochas?
b) Como se formaram as rochas metamórficas?
47) Escreva o termo que corresponde a cada número que aparece em destaque no texto abaixo:
Cavernas de calcário
A água da chuva é um pouco ácida. Ela pode se infiltrar nas fendas das rochas e, por causa da sua acidez, dissolver porções de calcário, formando túneis, grutas e cavernas. Rios subterrâneos também podem desgastar as rochas e formar essas cavidades.
Em algumas cavernas, é possível encontrar projeções no teto e no chão.
Essas projeções são produzidas quando a água, que contém carbonato de cálcio dissolvido, pinga do teto e , muito lentamente, evapora. Com a evaporação da água, formam-se cristais de carbonato de cálcio, que, acumulados ao longo dos anos, dão origem às 1 . Já o acúmulo de cristais de carbonato de cálcio no chão, após a evaporação da água das gotas que caem do teto, forma as 2.
1 -> __________________________________
2 -> __________________________________
48) Ligue com um traço o procedimento necessário a cada tipo de solo, para que ele tenha as características adequadas ao plantio:
49) Transcreva para o retângulo a opção correta
O húmus presente em certos tipos de solo resulta:
(a) Da decomposição das rochas;
(b) Do acúmulo de sedimentos minerais;
(c) Da decomposição de restos de seres vivos;
(d) Do uso de fertilizantes químicos;
50) Associe os termos dos quadros com as características correspondentes:
A) É MUITO PERMEÁVEL À ÁGUA: ____________________________
B) É BASTANTE FÉRTIL: ______________________________________
segunda-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2009
quarta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2009
Prova 2o tri 2008
1- Quem é ou são o (s) protagonista (s) da lenda lida?
2- Quem é o antagonista?
3- A que personagem o título se refere?
4- Em qual parágrafo nos é revelado quem é Deméter, ou seja, qual sua função no mundo dos deuses? Justifique com um trecho dele.
5- Releia:
“(...) a terra tremeu com grande estrondo. Uma falha se abriu bruscamente, (...)”
Que fenômeno natural conhecido ocorreu?
6- Por que Deméter foi pedir ajuda de Zeus e não de outro deus?
7- Que motivos sérios levaram os deuses a, finalmente, convencerem Hades a libertar Perséfone, de uma vez por todas?
8- Depois que o primeiro pedido de Zeus foi recusado por Hades, como agiu Deméter?
9- Em sua opinião, o trato feito por Deméter foi mais vantajoso para qual das partes? Por quê?
10- Há algum acontecimento extraordinário ou sobrenatural nessa lenda? Qual?
11- Essa lenda, como muitas outras, procura explicar a origem de algo. O que ela explica?
12- O que caracteriza o texto lido como lenda? Apresente três características. (Não mencione os elementos essenciais da narrativa.)
13- No texto houve o emprego tanto do discurso direto quanto do indireto. Releia estes trechos.
Trecho 1:
“Interrogada, Perséfone respondeu com candura que havia experimentado metade das sementes de uma romã.”
Trecho 2:
“- Entendo sua dor de mãe – o deus lhe respondeu. – Intercederei por você junto a Hades. Ele vai devolver sua filha, ou não me chamo Zeus!”
a) Informe o tipo de discurso empregado nesses trechos acima:
Trecho 1: ____________________________________________
Trecho 2: ____________________________________________
b) Reescreva o trecho 1 modificando o tipo de discurso utilizado. Faça as modificações necessárias.
14- Retire do 1º parágrafo:
- Um artigo definido, informando o termo ao qual ele se refere.
- Um artigo indefinido, informando o termo ao qual ele se refere.
- Uma contração, explicando sua formação.
- Uma combinação, explicando sua formação.
15- Transcreva do 1º parágrafo uma expressão de tempo e informe se indica um tempo determinado ou indeterminado. Justifique a classificação com suas palavras.
16- Leia:
Deméter era uma deusa tão importante quanto Zeus.
a) Informe o grau em que o adjetivo importante está flexionado.
b) Reescreva a frase flexionando o adjetivo importante no grau superlativo absoluto sintético. Faça as modificações necessárias.
17- Reescreva a frase abaixo, flexionando o substantivo SOL no grau aumentativo analítico.
O Sol contou a Deméter onde estava sua filha.
18- Classifique os termos destacados em numeral ou artigo indefinido. Justifique sua classificação.
a) De todos os deuses, apenas um vivia no mundo subterrâneo, o poderoso Hades.
b) Perséfone era uma jovem muito bela.
19- Retire do texto os numerais presentes, reescrevendo-os na classificação correta:
Ordinal: ________________________________________________
Fracionário: ___________________________________________
Multiplicativo: ___________________________________________
Cardinal: ________________________________________________
2- Quem é o antagonista?
3- A que personagem o título se refere?
4- Em qual parágrafo nos é revelado quem é Deméter, ou seja, qual sua função no mundo dos deuses? Justifique com um trecho dele.
5- Releia:
“(...) a terra tremeu com grande estrondo. Uma falha se abriu bruscamente, (...)”
Que fenômeno natural conhecido ocorreu?
6- Por que Deméter foi pedir ajuda de Zeus e não de outro deus?
7- Que motivos sérios levaram os deuses a, finalmente, convencerem Hades a libertar Perséfone, de uma vez por todas?
8- Depois que o primeiro pedido de Zeus foi recusado por Hades, como agiu Deméter?
9- Em sua opinião, o trato feito por Deméter foi mais vantajoso para qual das partes? Por quê?
10- Há algum acontecimento extraordinário ou sobrenatural nessa lenda? Qual?
11- Essa lenda, como muitas outras, procura explicar a origem de algo. O que ela explica?
12- O que caracteriza o texto lido como lenda? Apresente três características. (Não mencione os elementos essenciais da narrativa.)
13- No texto houve o emprego tanto do discurso direto quanto do indireto. Releia estes trechos.
Trecho 1:
“Interrogada, Perséfone respondeu com candura que havia experimentado metade das sementes de uma romã.”
Trecho 2:
“- Entendo sua dor de mãe – o deus lhe respondeu. – Intercederei por você junto a Hades. Ele vai devolver sua filha, ou não me chamo Zeus!”
a) Informe o tipo de discurso empregado nesses trechos acima:
Trecho 1: ____________________________________________
Trecho 2: ____________________________________________
b) Reescreva o trecho 1 modificando o tipo de discurso utilizado. Faça as modificações necessárias.
14- Retire do 1º parágrafo:
- Um artigo definido, informando o termo ao qual ele se refere.
- Um artigo indefinido, informando o termo ao qual ele se refere.
- Uma contração, explicando sua formação.
- Uma combinação, explicando sua formação.
15- Transcreva do 1º parágrafo uma expressão de tempo e informe se indica um tempo determinado ou indeterminado. Justifique a classificação com suas palavras.
16- Leia:
Deméter era uma deusa tão importante quanto Zeus.
a) Informe o grau em que o adjetivo importante está flexionado.
b) Reescreva a frase flexionando o adjetivo importante no grau superlativo absoluto sintético. Faça as modificações necessárias.
17- Reescreva a frase abaixo, flexionando o substantivo SOL no grau aumentativo analítico.
O Sol contou a Deméter onde estava sua filha.
18- Classifique os termos destacados em numeral ou artigo indefinido. Justifique sua classificação.
a) De todos os deuses, apenas um vivia no mundo subterrâneo, o poderoso Hades.
b) Perséfone era uma jovem muito bela.
19- Retire do texto os numerais presentes, reescrevendo-os na classificação correta:
Ordinal: ________________________________________________
Fracionário: ___________________________________________
Multiplicativo: ___________________________________________
Cardinal: ________________________________________________
terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2009
Prova São Vicente 3o tri 2007
O conto que você acabou de ler é uma paródia? Por quê?
1. Em que momento do texto ficou bem claro que o autor estava recriando um conto já conhecido?
2. Há semelhanças e diferenças entre esse texto e a sua versão original. Comparando as duas versões, responda:
Quem é o protagonista?
Na versão original: _________________________________________________________________
Na versão lida nesta avaliação: _________________________________________________________________
Quem é o antagonista?
Na versão original: _________________________________________________________________
Na versão lida nesta avaliação: _________________________________________________________________
3. Apresente três personagens que fazem parte desse conto, mas que não estão presentes em sua versão original.
4. Releia:
“O caçador já estava indo embora, pé ante pé, para não acordar a dona da casinha.”
A aparência do lobo foi o suficiente para o caçador desconfiar dele? Justifique com suas palavras.
5. Observando as atitudes dos personagens desse conto de Flávio de Souza, caracterize psicologicamente as personagens abaixo:
O caçador:________________________________________________________
A vovó: __________________________________________________________
6. Podemos dizer que o lobo teve um final totalmente infeliz? Justifique com suas palavras.
7. Que descendente do caçador resolveu seguir a mesma profissão que ele?
8. Marque com um X as situações abaixo que ocorrem nesse conto lido.
( ) O herói se distancia do lar ( ) O herói é vencido pelo vilão
( ) O herói adentra o bosque ou a floresta ( ) O herói volta para casa
( ) O herói vence o vilão ( ) O vilão é punido
( ) Há luta entre o herói e o vilão ( ) O herói se casa
9. Que fatos presentes nesse conto só poderiam acontecer no mundo da fantasia? Apresente pelo menos dois.
10. O narrador desse conto é um dos personagens da história? Como podemos, então, caracterizá-lo (foco narrativo)?
11. O texto inicia-se pela expressão Era uma vez. Podemos afirmar que há uma definição sobre quando ocorreram os fatos da história? É, portanto, um tempo determinado ou indeterminado?
12. Transcreva uma passagem do texto que apresente o espaço da narrativa, ou seja, onde ocorreram os fatos narrados.
13. No texto lido temos o emprego tanto do discurso direto quanto do discurso indireto. Transcreva uma passagem em que haja a presença de um e de outro tipo de discurso.
Discurso direto: ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Discurso indireto: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
14. Observe a linguagem empregada no conto lido. Que variedade lingüística predomina?
Ponto extra:
O nome dessa história consiste em uma brincadeira criada pelo autor e há uma intenção nela. Observe esse nome novamente e compare-o com o nome do conto que deu origem a ele. Procure descobrir o que eles têm em comum.
15. Releia esse trecho:
“Nossa! A dona da casa está dormindo! E nem é noite ainda! E como ela ronca alto!”
a) Quantas frases há nesse trecho? Justifique.
b) Quantas orações há nesse trecho? Justifique sua resposta.
16. Leia a frase que segue:
“Quando já estava quase anoitecendo, chegou a uma casinha muito bonitinha.”
a) Identifique no grupo nominal destacado acima:
O termo determinado: ___________________________________________
O (s) termo (s) determinante (s): ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
b) O advérbio MUITO, presente nessa frase, expressa circunstância a que palavra? Destaque a palavra e informe sua classe gramatical.
c) Que circunstância o advérbio MUITO está expressando?
17. Na oração: “Elas estavam meio tontas (...)”:
a) Destaque o sujeito e classifique-o. Justifique sua resposta.
b) Reescreva essa oração, acrescentando algum termo ao sujeito de modo que ele possa ser classificado como sujeito composto.
c) Informe a função sintática do termo tontas. Justifique sua resposta.
d) Classifique o predicado dessa oração, destacando seu núcleo. Justifique.
18. Essa tira faz referência a que conto maravilhoso? Como você chegou a essa conclusão?
19. O que há de diferente entre essa tira e o conto a que ela faz referência?
20. Marque a resposta correta com um X. Na última fala do sapo, no terceiro quadrinho, temos:
- Uma frase
- Uma oração
- Uma frase e oração
Justifique: ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
21. Na fala do sapo no segundo quadrinho, o verbo VIRO está funcionando como um verbo significativo ou de ligação? Justifique.
22. Retire dessa tira uma onomatopéia informando o som que ela imita na escrita.
23. Analise morfossintaticamente essa oração retirada da tirinha:
Vou beijar a princesa adormecida!
Análise morfológica
Análise sintática
sexta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2009
Reading Comprehension
My name’s Erica. I’m a student in Chicago. I live here with my parents, my brother and my sister.
It’s in the afternoon here! It isn’t snowing today but it’s very cold. What’s the weather like in your city?
At the moment I’m sitting in my bedroom and I’m listening to music. My favorite singer is Shakira. Do you like her?
I love sports, too. My favorite sport is football. My favorite soccer player is David Beckham.
My mom is in the kitchen. She’s cooking. It’s time to eat now. Goodbye from the U.S.!!
1) Write T for the TRUE sentences and F for the FALSE ones.
( ) Erica has got two brothers.
( ) It’s snowing and cold.
( ) Erica is in the bedroom.
( ) Erica’s favorite sport is volleyball.
( ) Erica is watching TV in her bedroom.
2) Mark and Lisa are Erica’s friends. Look at the information about them and answer the questions.
11 years old
10 years old
brown hair
blond hair
brown eyes
green eyes
a brother
two sisters
a) How many sisters has Lisa got?
b) What color are Mark’s eyes?
c) How old is Lisa?
d) What’s Mark’s favorite room?
e) What color is Lisa’s hair?
3) Organize the words to make sentences about Mark and Lisa.
a) is / Lisa / in / cooking / the / kitchen
b) on / sleeping / Mark / sofa / the / is
c) bedroom / is / the / in / he
d) good / Lisa / a / is / girl
e) a / Mark / got / cat / has
4) Write what Erica’s friends are doing.
What is Mike doing? He’s _____________________________________.
What are Peter and Sally doing? They’re __________________________________.
What is Bill doing? He’s _____________________________________.
What is Abby doing? She’s _________________________________.
5) Now match the questions and answers.
( 1 ) What day is today? ( ) Jeans and a T-shirt.
( 2 ) Have you got any brothers? ( ) It’s sunny.
( 3 ) How’s the weather? ( ) It’s blue.
( 4 ) Who’s that? ( ) I’m short.
( 5 ) What are you doing? ( ) It’s under the chair.
( 6 ) What’s your favorite color? ( ) There are 3.
( 7 ) What are you wearing? ( ) It’s Tuesday.
( 8 ) Where is your T-shirt? ( ) I’m reading.
( 9 ) How many bedrooms are there ( ) My mother.
in your house? ( ) Yes, one brother.
( 10 ) Are you tall or short?
6) Draw your:
a) Bedroom:
b) Kitchen:
c) Living room:
d) Dining room:
e) Bathroom:
My name’s Erica. I’m a student in Chicago. I live here with my parents, my brother and my sister.
It’s in the afternoon here! It isn’t snowing today but it’s very cold. What’s the weather like in your city?
At the moment I’m sitting in my bedroom and I’m listening to music. My favorite singer is Shakira. Do you like her?
I love sports, too. My favorite sport is football. My favorite soccer player is David Beckham.
My mom is in the kitchen. She’s cooking. It’s time to eat now. Goodbye from the U.S.!!
1) Write T for the TRUE sentences and F for the FALSE ones.
( ) Erica has got two brothers.
( ) It’s snowing and cold.
( ) Erica is in the bedroom.
( ) Erica’s favorite sport is volleyball.
( ) Erica is watching TV in her bedroom.
2) Mark and Lisa are Erica’s friends. Look at the information about them and answer the questions.
11 years old
10 years old
brown hair
blond hair
brown eyes
green eyes
a brother
two sisters
a) How many sisters has Lisa got?
b) What color are Mark’s eyes?
c) How old is Lisa?
d) What’s Mark’s favorite room?
e) What color is Lisa’s hair?
3) Organize the words to make sentences about Mark and Lisa.
a) is / Lisa / in / cooking / the / kitchen
b) on / sleeping / Mark / sofa / the / is
c) bedroom / is / the / in / he
d) good / Lisa / a / is / girl
e) a / Mark / got / cat / has
4) Write what Erica’s friends are doing.
What is Mike doing? He’s _____________________________________.
What are Peter and Sally doing? They’re __________________________________.
What is Bill doing? He’s _____________________________________.
What is Abby doing? She’s _________________________________.
5) Now match the questions and answers.
( 1 ) What day is today? ( ) Jeans and a T-shirt.
( 2 ) Have you got any brothers? ( ) It’s sunny.
( 3 ) How’s the weather? ( ) It’s blue.
( 4 ) Who’s that? ( ) I’m short.
( 5 ) What are you doing? ( ) It’s under the chair.
( 6 ) What’s your favorite color? ( ) There are 3.
( 7 ) What are you wearing? ( ) It’s Tuesday.
( 8 ) Where is your T-shirt? ( ) I’m reading.
( 9 ) How many bedrooms are there ( ) My mother.
in your house? ( ) Yes, one brother.
( 10 ) Are you tall or short?
6) Draw your:
a) Bedroom:
b) Kitchen:
c) Living room:
d) Dining room:
e) Bathroom:
English Lesson 16
English Lesson 15
1- Complete correctly with the names, colors and types of hair:
Who is she? ______________________________ What color hair has she got? _____________________________ What color eyes has she got? _____________________________ Has she got long hair or short hair? ________________________ ___________________________________________________ Has she got curly, wavy or straight hair? ____________________ __________________________________________________
Who is he? _________________________________ What color hair has he got? ______________________________ What color eyes has he got? ______________________________ Has he got long hair or short hair? _________________________ ___________________________________________________Has he got curly, wavy or straight hair? _____________________ ___________________________________________________
Who is he? ________________________________ What color hair has he got? ______________________________ What color eyes has he got? ______________________________ Has he got long hair or short hair? _________________________ ___________________________________________________Has he got curly, wavy or straight hair? _____________________ ___________________________________________________
Who’s he? _________________________________
What color hair has he got? ______________________________
What color eyes has he got? ______________________________
Has he got long hair or short hair? _________________________ ___________________________________________________
Has he got curly, wavy or straight hair? _____________________ ___________________________________________________
2- Look carefully at the schedule and answer the questions.
8:30 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
9:15 p.m.
10:50 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
11:10 p.m.
10:25 p.m.
Law and Order
Gossip Girl
a) When is Friends? ______________________________________ ___________________________________________________
b) When is Gossip Girl? ________________________________ ___________________________________________________
c) When is CSI? _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
d) When is Lost? ________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
e) When is Law and Order? _________________________________ ___________________________________________________
f) Which one is on Tuesday? ________________________________ ___________________________________________________
3- Complete the dialogues:
a) Amy: Has your brother got long hair?
Sue: No, ______________. He ________________ short hair.
b) Tatiana: Have you got straight hair?
Maíra: No, ______________. I _________________ wavy hair.
c) Matheus: Have Livia and her sister got blond hair?
Tabatha: Yes, _______________.
4- Answer the following questions:
a) What’s your name?
b) How old are you?
c) Where are you from?
d) What’s your favorite color?
e) What time is it now?
f) Have you got any brothers or sisters?
g) Have you got any pets?
h) Can you ride a horse?
i) What time do you start school?
j) Are you American?
k) Have you got a sheep?
l) Can a duck swim?
m) Can a horse dance ballet?
n) Can a chicken make an omelette?
o) Do you like strawberries?
p) What’s your favorite fruit?
q) Which one do you prefer: a chocolate or a vanilla ice cream?
r) One goose, two ______________.
s) One calf, two _______________.
t) One chicken, two ______________.
u) One sheep, two _______________.
1- Complete correctly with the names, colors and types of hair:
Who is she? ______________________________ What color hair has she got? _____________________________ What color eyes has she got? _____________________________ Has she got long hair or short hair? ________________________ ___________________________________________________ Has she got curly, wavy or straight hair? ____________________ __________________________________________________
Who is he? _________________________________ What color hair has he got? ______________________________ What color eyes has he got? ______________________________ Has he got long hair or short hair? _________________________ ___________________________________________________Has he got curly, wavy or straight hair? _____________________ ___________________________________________________
Who is he? ________________________________ What color hair has he got? ______________________________ What color eyes has he got? ______________________________ Has he got long hair or short hair? _________________________ ___________________________________________________Has he got curly, wavy or straight hair? _____________________ ___________________________________________________
Who’s he? _________________________________
What color hair has he got? ______________________________
What color eyes has he got? ______________________________
Has he got long hair or short hair? _________________________ ___________________________________________________
Has he got curly, wavy or straight hair? _____________________ ___________________________________________________
2- Look carefully at the schedule and answer the questions.
8:30 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
9:15 p.m.
10:50 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
11:10 p.m.
10:25 p.m.
Law and Order
Gossip Girl
a) When is Friends? ______________________________________ ___________________________________________________
b) When is Gossip Girl? ________________________________ ___________________________________________________
c) When is CSI? _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
d) When is Lost? ________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
e) When is Law and Order? _________________________________ ___________________________________________________
f) Which one is on Tuesday? ________________________________ ___________________________________________________
3- Complete the dialogues:
a) Amy: Has your brother got long hair?
Sue: No, ______________. He ________________ short hair.
b) Tatiana: Have you got straight hair?
Maíra: No, ______________. I _________________ wavy hair.
c) Matheus: Have Livia and her sister got blond hair?
Tabatha: Yes, _______________.
4- Answer the following questions:
a) What’s your name?
b) How old are you?
c) Where are you from?
d) What’s your favorite color?
e) What time is it now?
f) Have you got any brothers or sisters?
g) Have you got any pets?
h) Can you ride a horse?
i) What time do you start school?
j) Are you American?
k) Have you got a sheep?
l) Can a duck swim?
m) Can a horse dance ballet?
n) Can a chicken make an omelette?
o) Do you like strawberries?
p) What’s your favorite fruit?
q) Which one do you prefer: a chocolate or a vanilla ice cream?
r) One goose, two ______________.
s) One calf, two _______________.
t) One chicken, two ______________.
u) One sheep, two _______________.
English Lesson 15
1) What’s your name?__________________________________________
2) How old are you?____________________________________________
3) Have you got any brothers or sisters?____________________________
4) Have you got green or brown eyes?_____________________________
5) Have you got short or long hair?________________________________
6) Are you tall?________________________________________________
7) Are you fat?________________________________________________
8) Can you ride a horse?________________________________________
9) Can you play football?________________________________________
10) What’s your favorite fruit?______________________________________
11) What’s the color of an apple?___________________________________
12) What’s the color of your backpack?______________________________
13) Which fruit do you prefer: orange or banana?______________________
14) What time do you start school?_________________________________
15) What are the days of the week?_________________________________
16) Which farm animal farm do you prefer: ducks or geese?______________
17) What’s your favorite color?_____________________________________
18) Describe yourself.____________________________________________
19) Describe your brother.________________________________________
20) Are you blonde?_____________________________________________
21) Have you got any pet?________________________________________
22) Can you sing a song?________________________________________
23) What time is it now?__________________________________________
24) Complete:
a) Goose
b) Sheep
c) Horse
d) Chicken
e) Calf
25) Put but or and:
Model: play football/play the piano
I can play football but I can’t play the piano.
I can’t play football but I can play the piano.
I can play football and I can play the piano.
I can’t play football and I can’t play the piano.
a) Ride a horse/catch a fish-_____________________________________
b) Make an omelette/use a computer-______________________________
c) Play chess/read a map-_______________________________________
d) Swim under water/sail a boat-__________________________________
e) Play the guitar/play table tennis-________________________________
26) Draw the times:
a) Five to six:
b) Ten to eleven:
c) A quarter to four:
d) Three and a quarter
e) Eight and a half
f) A half to seven
g) Three twenty three
h) Twenty past five
i) Six twenty-five
j) Four forty
k) Twenty to five
27) Write to a friend. Describe yourself, your family and your favorite stars.
1) What’s your name?__________________________________________
2) How old are you?____________________________________________
3) Have you got any brothers or sisters?____________________________
4) Have you got green or brown eyes?_____________________________
5) Have you got short or long hair?________________________________
6) Are you tall?________________________________________________
7) Are you fat?________________________________________________
8) Can you ride a horse?________________________________________
9) Can you play football?________________________________________
10) What’s your favorite fruit?______________________________________
11) What’s the color of an apple?___________________________________
12) What’s the color of your backpack?______________________________
13) Which fruit do you prefer: orange or banana?______________________
14) What time do you start school?_________________________________
15) What are the days of the week?_________________________________
16) Which farm animal farm do you prefer: ducks or geese?______________
17) What’s your favorite color?_____________________________________
18) Describe yourself.____________________________________________
19) Describe your brother.________________________________________
20) Are you blonde?_____________________________________________
21) Have you got any pet?________________________________________
22) Can you sing a song?________________________________________
23) What time is it now?__________________________________________
24) Complete:
a) Goose
b) Sheep
c) Horse
d) Chicken
e) Calf
25) Put but or and:
Model: play football/play the piano
I can play football but I can’t play the piano.
I can’t play football but I can play the piano.
I can play football and I can play the piano.
I can’t play football and I can’t play the piano.
a) Ride a horse/catch a fish-_____________________________________
b) Make an omelette/use a computer-______________________________
c) Play chess/read a map-_______________________________________
d) Swim under water/sail a boat-__________________________________
e) Play the guitar/play table tennis-________________________________
26) Draw the times:
a) Five to six:
b) Ten to eleven:
c) A quarter to four:
d) Three and a quarter
e) Eight and a half
f) A half to seven
g) Three twenty three
h) Twenty past five
i) Six twenty-five
j) Four forty
k) Twenty to five
27) Write to a friend. Describe yourself, your family and your favorite stars.
English Lesson 14
English Lesson 14
Draw following the instructions:
There is Lisa. She has got black, wavy long hair.
There is Michael. He has got brown, short straight hair.
There is Maíra. She has got ________________________________.
She is Tatiana. She has got ________________________________.
She is _______________. She has got _____________________
Answer the questions:
a) What colour hair have you got?
b) Have you got long hair or short hair?
c) Have you got any brothers or sisters?
d) What colour red has your brother got?
Draw a clock and put the time on it.
What time is it?
a) 12:45
It’s ______________________________________.
b) It’s _____________________________________.
3: 00
c) It’s ____________________________________.
d) It’s _____________________________________.
e) It’s ____________________________________.
It’s ____________________________________.
What time do you start school?
What time is lunch?
Farm animals:
EROSH - __________________________________________
HEESP - __________________________________________
KENHICC - ________________________________________
CKUD - ___________________________________________
FALC - ___________________________________________
PYNO - __________________________________________
BALM - __________________________________________
SOOGE - ________________________________________
WOC - __________________________________________
Have you got any chicken?
Have you got any ponies?
How many animals have you got?
Write three times each word:
Cow: ___________________________________________
Goose: _________________________________________
Chicken: ________________________________________
Horse: _________________________________________
Sheep: _________________________________________
Duck: __________________________________________
Lamb: __________________________________________
Old Mac Donalds has a farm
And in his farm he has a duck
It’s qua qua here and qua qua there
Qua qua here and qua qua everywhere.
Old Mac Donalds has a farm
And in his farm he has a cow
It’s MU Mu here and Mu Mu there
It’s Mu Mu here and Mu Mu everywhere
Old Mac donalds has a farm
And in his farm he has a _________________
It’s __________ here and _____________ there
And __________ here and ______________ everywhere.
Old Mac Donalds has a farm
And in his farm he has a ____________________
It’s ________________ here and _______________ there
And _________________ here and ________________ everywhere.
Old Mac Donalds has a farm
And in his farm he has a ___________________________.
It’s ________________ here and _______________ there
And _________________ here and ________________ everywhere.
Old Mac Donalds has a farm
And in his farm he has a ___________________________.
It’s ________________ here and _______________ there
And _________________ here and ________________ everywhere.
Old Mac Donalds has a farm
And in his farm he has a ___________________________.
It’s ________________ here and _______________ there
And _________________ here and ________________ everywhere.
Old Mac Donalds has a farm
And in his farm he has a ___________________________.
It’s ________________ here and _______________ there
And _________________ here and ________________ everywhere.
What are the days of the week?
Sunday, ________________, _________________, ______________, _________________, Friday, _________________.
Today is ___________________________________.
Tomorrow is ________________________________.
Yesterday was ______________________________.
Answer the questions:
Can you…
a) Swim under water?
b) Sing a song?
c) Use a computer?
d) Read a map?
e) Play the piano?
f) Play chess?
g) Ride a horse?
Write an article about you:
What’s your name? How old are you? What school do you go to? What year are you in? what time do you start school? What time do you finish school? What do you do after school? When do you have English class? Who is your best friend at school? Do you have any pet?
Draw following the instructions:
There is Lisa. She has got black, wavy long hair.
There is Michael. He has got brown, short straight hair.
There is Maíra. She has got ________________________________.
She is Tatiana. She has got ________________________________.
She is _______________. She has got _____________________
Answer the questions:
a) What colour hair have you got?
b) Have you got long hair or short hair?
c) Have you got any brothers or sisters?
d) What colour red has your brother got?
Draw a clock and put the time on it.
What time is it?
a) 12:45
It’s ______________________________________.
b) It’s _____________________________________.
3: 00
c) It’s ____________________________________.
d) It’s _____________________________________.
e) It’s ____________________________________.
It’s ____________________________________.
What time do you start school?
What time is lunch?
Farm animals:
EROSH - __________________________________________
HEESP - __________________________________________
KENHICC - ________________________________________
CKUD - ___________________________________________
FALC - ___________________________________________
PYNO - __________________________________________
BALM - __________________________________________
SOOGE - ________________________________________
WOC - __________________________________________
Have you got any chicken?
Have you got any ponies?
How many animals have you got?
Write three times each word:
Cow: ___________________________________________
Goose: _________________________________________
Chicken: ________________________________________
Horse: _________________________________________
Sheep: _________________________________________
Duck: __________________________________________
Lamb: __________________________________________
Old Mac Donalds has a farm
And in his farm he has a duck
It’s qua qua here and qua qua there
Qua qua here and qua qua everywhere.
Old Mac Donalds has a farm
And in his farm he has a cow
It’s MU Mu here and Mu Mu there
It’s Mu Mu here and Mu Mu everywhere
Old Mac donalds has a farm
And in his farm he has a _________________
It’s __________ here and _____________ there
And __________ here and ______________ everywhere.
Old Mac Donalds has a farm
And in his farm he has a ____________________
It’s ________________ here and _______________ there
And _________________ here and ________________ everywhere.
Old Mac Donalds has a farm
And in his farm he has a ___________________________.
It’s ________________ here and _______________ there
And _________________ here and ________________ everywhere.
Old Mac Donalds has a farm
And in his farm he has a ___________________________.
It’s ________________ here and _______________ there
And _________________ here and ________________ everywhere.
Old Mac Donalds has a farm
And in his farm he has a ___________________________.
It’s ________________ here and _______________ there
And _________________ here and ________________ everywhere.
Old Mac Donalds has a farm
And in his farm he has a ___________________________.
It’s ________________ here and _______________ there
And _________________ here and ________________ everywhere.
What are the days of the week?
Sunday, ________________, _________________, ______________, _________________, Friday, _________________.
Today is ___________________________________.
Tomorrow is ________________________________.
Yesterday was ______________________________.
Answer the questions:
Can you…
a) Swim under water?
b) Sing a song?
c) Use a computer?
d) Read a map?
e) Play the piano?
f) Play chess?
g) Ride a horse?
Write an article about you:
What’s your name? How old are you? What school do you go to? What year are you in? what time do you start school? What time do you finish school? What do you do after school? When do you have English class? Who is your best friend at school? Do you have any pet?
English lesson 13
English Lesson
1- Say the name of the animals below.
What’s this? It’s a _____________________________.
What’s this? _________________________________.
What’s this? ________________________________.
What’s this? _______________________________.
What’s this? __________________________________.
What’s this? ___________________________________.
What’s this? __________________________________.
What’s this? ____________________________________.
2- Make sentences using BUT or AND, as in the model.
MODEL: chocolate / strawberry
I like chocolate but I don’t like strawberry
I like chocolate and strawberry.
a) dance / read
b) study / sleep
c) football / handball
d) ice cream / candies
e) cats / dogs
f) summer / winter
1- Say the name of the animals below.
What’s this? It’s a _____________________________.
What’s this? _________________________________.
What’s this? ________________________________.
What’s this? _______________________________.
What’s this? __________________________________.
What’s this? ___________________________________.
What’s this? __________________________________.
What’s this? ____________________________________.
2- Make sentences using BUT or AND, as in the model.
MODEL: chocolate / strawberry
I like chocolate but I don’t like strawberry
I like chocolate and strawberry.
a) dance / read
b) study / sleep
c) football / handball
d) ice cream / candies
e) cats / dogs
f) summer / winter
English Lesson 12
English Lesson
1- Answer the following questions correctly.
a) How old are you?
b) What’s your favorite fruit?
c) Are you American?
d) What’s your favorite day of the week?
e) Do you have a pet?
f) Do you have any brothers?
g) What’s your favorite animal?
h) What’s the color of an apple?
i) What’s the color of bananas?
j) What’s your favorite color?
2- Complete with the days of the week.
a) Tabatha went to the doctor on February 4th. It was a _________________.
b) Today is Friday. Tomorrow is _______________ and yesterday was ________________.
3- Answer with the name of the fruits.
What’s this? __________________________________
What are these? _____________________________
What’s this?________________________________
What’s this? ________________________________
What are those? _______________________________
4- Say the name of the animals below.
What are they? ______________________.
What’s he? ___________________.
What’s he? ____________________.
What’s he? _____________________.
What’s he? _____________________.
5- Circle the correct option.
Model: It’s her / she car.
a) That are their / they skateboards.
b) This is we / our dog.
c) I / My have a cat.
d) Whose guitar is that? That’s his / he guitar.
1- Answer the following questions correctly.
a) How old are you?
b) What’s your favorite fruit?
c) Are you American?
d) What’s your favorite day of the week?
e) Do you have a pet?
f) Do you have any brothers?
g) What’s your favorite animal?
h) What’s the color of an apple?
i) What’s the color of bananas?
j) What’s your favorite color?
2- Complete with the days of the week.
a) Tabatha went to the doctor on February 4th. It was a _________________.
b) Today is Friday. Tomorrow is _______________ and yesterday was ________________.
3- Answer with the name of the fruits.
What’s this? __________________________________
What are these? _____________________________
What’s this?________________________________
What’s this? ________________________________
What are those? _______________________________
4- Say the name of the animals below.
What are they? ______________________.
What’s he? ___________________.
What’s he? ____________________.
What’s he? _____________________.
What’s he? _____________________.
5- Circle the correct option.
Model: It’s her / she car.
a) That are their / they skateboards.
b) This is we / our dog.
c) I / My have a cat.
d) Whose guitar is that? That’s his / he guitar.
English Lesson 11
English Lesson
1- Complete with and or but:
a) Maíra is tall _________ beautiful.
b) That boy is very intelligent ___________ he’s not nice.
c) My bedroom is comfortable __________ it’s very small.
d) I like my family _________ my friends.
e) My stereo is very old __________ I love it.
2- Describe the following types of hair.
3- Complete:
This man is ________.
This woman is _______.
“Is Tom tall?”
“No, he’s ___________.”
Kathrin has _______ hair, but Laura has _______ hair.
4- Complete with are or is:
a) Laura ____ my friend.
b) Kathrin and Laura _____ intelligent.
c) Perry _____ a good student.
d) ______ we going to the mall?
5- Complete the sentences using her, his or their:
a) This is Laura’s shirt, so it is ____ shirt.
b) “Who are they?”
“They’re Bob and _____ sister, Laura.”
c) This game is Laura and Bob’s game, so this is _______ game.
d) Bob and Laura are rich. There is _____ farm.
7- Write the correct words in the following text:
Martha likes animals. _____ bought a cat last month. And ____ cat is grey, like ____ mother. But, one day, Martha’_ cat died.
______ End
1- Complete with and or but:
a) Maíra is tall _________ beautiful.
b) That boy is very intelligent ___________ he’s not nice.
c) My bedroom is comfortable __________ it’s very small.
d) I like my family _________ my friends.
e) My stereo is very old __________ I love it.
2- Describe the following types of hair.
3- Complete:
This man is ________.
This woman is _______.
“Is Tom tall?”
“No, he’s ___________.”
Kathrin has _______ hair, but Laura has _______ hair.
4- Complete with are or is:
a) Laura ____ my friend.
b) Kathrin and Laura _____ intelligent.
c) Perry _____ a good student.
d) ______ we going to the mall?
5- Complete the sentences using her, his or their:
a) This is Laura’s shirt, so it is ____ shirt.
b) “Who are they?”
“They’re Bob and _____ sister, Laura.”
c) This game is Laura and Bob’s game, so this is _______ game.
d) Bob and Laura are rich. There is _____ farm.
7- Write the correct words in the following text:
Martha likes animals. _____ bought a cat last month. And ____ cat is grey, like ____ mother. But, one day, Martha’_ cat died.
______ End
English Lesson 10
Usamos o ‘s para expressar posse ou relacionamento. Normalmente usamos o ‘s ou ‘ depois do nome de pessoas ou animais.
Ex.: Maíra’s bag. (Bolsa da Maíra)
Tatiana’s book. (livro da Tatiana)
My dad’s cell phone. (celular do meu pai)
Quando os nomes estão no plural, terminando em s, acrescenta-se apenas o ‘
Ex.: The boys ‘ cap
The girls’ dolls.
The students’ room.
Ex.: The car belongs to John. ( O carro pertence ao John)
It’s John’s car. (Este é o carro do John.)
Now you: (agora você)
a) The dog belongs to Tatiana. It’s ______________________________.
b) The house belongs to Leticia. ________________________________.
c) The book belongs to Thiago. _________________________________.
d) The cars belong to the teachers. _____________________________.
e) The tests belong to the students. ______________________________.
f) The pizza belongs to João. ___________________________________.
g) The key belongs to Diego. ___________________________________.
h) The cat belongs to Luisa. _____________________________________.
i) The posters belong to the boys. ________________________________.
j) The glasses belong to Matheus. _______________________________.
EXEMPLO: Whose pencil case is this? (De quem é esse estojo?)
It’s Pedro’s pencil case (é o estojo do Pedro.)
Whose coats are these? (De quem são esses casacos?)
They are the girls’ coats. (Eles são os casacos das meninas.)
Answer the questions:
1) Whose bag is this? (my sister) (De quem é essa bolsa?)
It’s my sister’s bag. (Essa é a bolsa da minha irmã)
2) Whose pencil is this? (Marcelo)
3) Whose cell phone is this? (That girl)
4) Whose sandwich is this? (the students)
5) Whose fries are these? (the children)
6) Whose books are these? (Mariana)
7) Whose room is this?(the teachers)
8) Whose oranges are these? (Rafael)
9) Whose i-pod is this? (Pedro)
10) Whose blouse is this? (Julia)
11) Whose bags are these? (the women)
12) Whose CDs are these? (my friends)
13) Whose apartment is this? (Tom Cruise)
14) Whose orange juice is this? (Clarice)
15) Whose guitar is this? (the players)
16) Whose car is this? (Alice)
17) Whose uniforms are these? (the policemen)
18) Whose salad is this? (Fernanda)
Now write a small text about you, answering the following questions:
- What’s your name?
- How old are you?
- Where do you live?
- Who’s your family?
- What’s your favorite color?
Usamos o ‘s para expressar posse ou relacionamento. Normalmente usamos o ‘s ou ‘ depois do nome de pessoas ou animais.
Ex.: Maíra’s bag. (Bolsa da Maíra)
Tatiana’s book. (livro da Tatiana)
My dad’s cell phone. (celular do meu pai)
Quando os nomes estão no plural, terminando em s, acrescenta-se apenas o ‘
Ex.: The boys ‘ cap
The girls’ dolls.
The students’ room.
Ex.: The car belongs to John. ( O carro pertence ao John)
It’s John’s car. (Este é o carro do John.)
Now you: (agora você)
a) The dog belongs to Tatiana. It’s ______________________________.
b) The house belongs to Leticia. ________________________________.
c) The book belongs to Thiago. _________________________________.
d) The cars belong to the teachers. _____________________________.
e) The tests belong to the students. ______________________________.
f) The pizza belongs to João. ___________________________________.
g) The key belongs to Diego. ___________________________________.
h) The cat belongs to Luisa. _____________________________________.
i) The posters belong to the boys. ________________________________.
j) The glasses belong to Matheus. _______________________________.
EXEMPLO: Whose pencil case is this? (De quem é esse estojo?)
It’s Pedro’s pencil case (é o estojo do Pedro.)
Whose coats are these? (De quem são esses casacos?)
They are the girls’ coats. (Eles são os casacos das meninas.)
Answer the questions:
1) Whose bag is this? (my sister) (De quem é essa bolsa?)
It’s my sister’s bag. (Essa é a bolsa da minha irmã)
2) Whose pencil is this? (Marcelo)
3) Whose cell phone is this? (That girl)
4) Whose sandwich is this? (the students)
5) Whose fries are these? (the children)
6) Whose books are these? (Mariana)
7) Whose room is this?(the teachers)
8) Whose oranges are these? (Rafael)
9) Whose i-pod is this? (Pedro)
10) Whose blouse is this? (Julia)
11) Whose bags are these? (the women)
12) Whose CDs are these? (my friends)
13) Whose apartment is this? (Tom Cruise)
14) Whose orange juice is this? (Clarice)
15) Whose guitar is this? (the players)
16) Whose car is this? (Alice)
17) Whose uniforms are these? (the policemen)
18) Whose salad is this? (Fernanda)
Now write a small text about you, answering the following questions:
- What’s your name?
- How old are you?
- Where do you live?
- Who’s your family?
- What’s your favorite color?
English Lesson 9
He has a bike He= ele Has = Tem a = uma bike = Bicicleta
This is his bike This = Esta Is = é His = Sua/ dele bike = Bicicleta
Subject pronoun: Possessive pronoun
I (eu) My (meu)
You (você) your (seu/sua)
He (ele) his (dele/seu)
She (ela) her (dela/sua)
It (isto) its (dele/dela/seu/sua) Em relação a ser
Ou objeto (animal) que não é ele nem
We (nós) our ( nosso)
You (vocês) your (seus)
They (eles) their (deles/seus)
Ex.: She is from the USA. (Ela é dos Estados Unidos)
She is my friend (Ela é minha amiga)
Rewrite the sentences using the subject pronouns:
1) Carlos is at the door. He is at the door.
2) Maíra is on the phone. ________________________________
3) The cat is on the chair. ________________________________
4) Tatiana and I are in the kitchen. _________________________
5) The students are in the library. __________________________
6) The book is in the school bag. __________________________
7) Mr. Hill is in the garage. _______________________________
8) Carol, Luisa and Anna are at the club. ____________________
9) The pen is blue. _____________________________________
10) Bob and Kate are from Canada. _________________________
Complete the sentences using possessive pronouns.
1) (Henry) This is _____his________ horse.
2) (Anna) This is ________________ dog.
3) (Tonny, Mary, Jane) This is _____________ room.
4) (I) This is _______________ Key.
5) (The students) That is ____________ school bus.
6) (Mary) This is ___________ computer.
7) (Mr. Hill) This is ____________ drink.
8) (we) This is ________________ cake.
Answer the sentences using a possessive pronoun.
(Jane) Whose school bag is this?
It’s her school bag.
(Lucca) Whose cat is this?
It’s _____________________________.
(Luiza) Whose teddy bear is this?
(The boys) Whose ball is this?
(I) Whose calculator is this?
(We) Whose gift is this?
(you) Whose sandwich is this?
Choose the correct pronoun:
1) (I / my) from brazil. (I / my ) name is Gabriela.
2) (She / Her) mother is a lawyer.
3) (He / His) is in the garage in (He / His) car.
4) (They / Their) are in (they / their) classroom.
5) Maria Lucia is (We / our) Portuguese teacher.
6) (You / your) are doing (you/ your) exercise.
7) Lucas is talking on (he/ his) cell phone.
8) (We / our) lab is on the 5th. Floor.
9) The cat is drinking (it / its) milk.
10) Kate is in (she / her) room.
He has a bike He= ele Has = Tem a = uma bike = Bicicleta
This is his bike This = Esta Is = é His = Sua/ dele bike = Bicicleta
Subject pronoun: Possessive pronoun
I (eu) My (meu)
You (você) your (seu/sua)
He (ele) his (dele/seu)
She (ela) her (dela/sua)
It (isto) its (dele/dela/seu/sua) Em relação a ser
Ou objeto (animal) que não é ele nem
We (nós) our ( nosso)
You (vocês) your (seus)
They (eles) their (deles/seus)
Ex.: She is from the USA. (Ela é dos Estados Unidos)
She is my friend (Ela é minha amiga)
Rewrite the sentences using the subject pronouns:
1) Carlos is at the door. He is at the door.
2) Maíra is on the phone. ________________________________
3) The cat is on the chair. ________________________________
4) Tatiana and I are in the kitchen. _________________________
5) The students are in the library. __________________________
6) The book is in the school bag. __________________________
7) Mr. Hill is in the garage. _______________________________
8) Carol, Luisa and Anna are at the club. ____________________
9) The pen is blue. _____________________________________
10) Bob and Kate are from Canada. _________________________
Complete the sentences using possessive pronouns.
1) (Henry) This is _____his________ horse.
2) (Anna) This is ________________ dog.
3) (Tonny, Mary, Jane) This is _____________ room.
4) (I) This is _______________ Key.
5) (The students) That is ____________ school bus.
6) (Mary) This is ___________ computer.
7) (Mr. Hill) This is ____________ drink.
8) (we) This is ________________ cake.
Answer the sentences using a possessive pronoun.
(Jane) Whose school bag is this?
It’s her school bag.
(Lucca) Whose cat is this?
It’s _____________________________.
(Luiza) Whose teddy bear is this?
(The boys) Whose ball is this?
(I) Whose calculator is this?
(We) Whose gift is this?
(you) Whose sandwich is this?
Choose the correct pronoun:
1) (I / my) from brazil. (I / my ) name is Gabriela.
2) (She / Her) mother is a lawyer.
3) (He / His) is in the garage in (He / His) car.
4) (They / Their) are in (they / their) classroom.
5) Maria Lucia is (We / our) Portuguese teacher.
6) (You / your) are doing (you/ your) exercise.
7) Lucas is talking on (he/ his) cell phone.
8) (We / our) lab is on the 5th. Floor.
9) The cat is drinking (it / its) milk.
10) Kate is in (she / her) room.
English Lesson 8
English Exercises
Circle the correct word:
1- They’re / Their Pat and Ken.
2- It’s we’re / our car.
3- That’s they’re / their house.
4- We’re / Our in the house.
5- Is that they’re / their photo?
6- They’re / their my sisters.
7- That’s they’re / their school.
Complete the sentences:
They’re / We’re / our / their
1- I’m Jenny and she’s Sue. _____________ sisters.
2- This is Paul and this is Dean. This is __________ father, Frank.
3- Are you and Lisa in the garden? No, ____________ in the kitchen.
4- Simon and Paul are brothers. ______________ house is in London.
5- Who are they? _____________ Bill and Liz.
6- I’m Trevor and this is Jackie. This is ____________ mother Trudy.
Write sentences.
(Mike – bike) It’s Mike’s bike.
(Eddie – CDs) They’re Eddie’s CDs.
OBS.: Mr = senhor
Mrs = senhora
Miss = senhorita
(Matt – bat) __________________________________________
(Michael – mobile phone) ____________________________________
(Mr. Coni – tables) __________________________________________
(Mrs. Ford – skateboard) _____________________________________
(Mr. Hooter – computer) ____________________________________
Use the names in the box and complete:
What’s her name? _________ name’s ________________________.
What’s _______ name? ________ name’s ________________________.
What’s _______ name? ________ name’s ________________________.
What’s _______ name? ________ name’s ________________________.
What’s _______ name? ________ name’s ________________________.
Maíra – Bella – Edward – João – Jacob - Alice
Complete the conversations:
Is this your sister? Yes, ________ name’s Cathy, _______’s very clever.
Who is this? _________’s my brother. _________ name is Paul.
Is this your mother? No, _________’s my aunt. ________ name is Trisha. And ________’s my uncle. _________ name is Roger.
Complete the conversations with “Are you”, “I am”, “I’m” or “I’m not”.
Teacher: Are you Maíra Tura?
Paula: Yes, _______________.
Teacher: ___________ twelve years old?
Paula: No, ___________ eleven.
Teacher: ____________ in Year 8?
Paula: No, ___________ in Year 7.
Circle the correct word:
1- They’re / Their Pat and Ken.
2- It’s we’re / our car.
3- That’s they’re / their house.
4- We’re / Our in the house.
5- Is that they’re / their photo?
6- They’re / their my sisters.
7- That’s they’re / their school.
Complete the sentences:
They’re / We’re / our / their
1- I’m Jenny and she’s Sue. _____________ sisters.
2- This is Paul and this is Dean. This is __________ father, Frank.
3- Are you and Lisa in the garden? No, ____________ in the kitchen.
4- Simon and Paul are brothers. ______________ house is in London.
5- Who are they? _____________ Bill and Liz.
6- I’m Trevor and this is Jackie. This is ____________ mother Trudy.
Write sentences.
(Mike – bike) It’s Mike’s bike.
(Eddie – CDs) They’re Eddie’s CDs.
OBS.: Mr = senhor
Mrs = senhora
Miss = senhorita
(Matt – bat) __________________________________________
(Michael – mobile phone) ____________________________________
(Mr. Coni – tables) __________________________________________
(Mrs. Ford – skateboard) _____________________________________
(Mr. Hooter – computer) ____________________________________
Use the names in the box and complete:
What’s her name? _________ name’s ________________________.
What’s _______ name? ________ name’s ________________________.
What’s _______ name? ________ name’s ________________________.
What’s _______ name? ________ name’s ________________________.
What’s _______ name? ________ name’s ________________________.
Maíra – Bella – Edward – João – Jacob - Alice
Complete the conversations:
Is this your sister? Yes, ________ name’s Cathy, _______’s very clever.
Who is this? _________’s my brother. _________ name is Paul.
Is this your mother? No, _________’s my aunt. ________ name is Trisha. And ________’s my uncle. _________ name is Roger.
Complete the conversations with “Are you”, “I am”, “I’m” or “I’m not”.
Teacher: Are you Maíra Tura?
Paula: Yes, _______________.
Teacher: ___________ twelve years old?
Paula: No, ___________ eleven.
Teacher: ____________ in Year 8?
Paula: No, ___________ in Year 7.
English Lesson 7
English Exercises
Complete the sentences:
They’re / We’re / our / their
1- I’m Jenny and she’s Sue. _____________ sisters.
2- This is Paul and this is Dean. This is __________ father, Frank.
3- Are you and Lisa in the garden? No, ____________ in the kitchen.
4- Simon and Paul are brothers. ______________ house is in London.
5- Who are they? _____________ Bill and Liz.
6- I’m Trevor and this is Jackie. This is ____________ mother Trudy.
Write what these things are.
This is a banana.
Those are cherries.
Circle the correct word:
1- They’re / Their Pat and Ken.
2- It’s we’re / our car.
3- That’s they’re / their house.
4- We’re / Our in the house.
5- Is that they’re / their photo?
6- They’re / their my sisters.
7- That’s they’re / their school.
Everyday objects
Write sentences.
(Mike – bike) It’s Mike’s bike.
(Eddie – CDs) They’re Eddie’s CDs.
(Matt – bat) __________________________________________
(Michael – mobile phone) ____________________________________
(Mr. Coni – tables) __________________________________________
(Mrs. Ford – skateboard) _____________________________________
(Mr. Hooter – computer) ____________________________________
Use the names in the box and complete:
What’s her name? _________ name’s ________________________.
What’s _______ name? ________ name’s ________________________.
What’s _______ name? ________ name’s ________________________.
What’s _______ name? ________ name’s ________________________.
What’s _______ name? ________ name’s ________________________.
Tina – Bella – Susanna – Toby – Mark - Amy
Complete the conversations:
Is this your sister? Yes, ________ name’s Cathy, _______’s very clever.
Who is this? _________’s my brother. _________ name is Paul.
Is this your mother? No, _________’s my aunt. ________ name is Trisha. And ________’s my uncle. _________ name is Roger.
Complete the conversations with “Are you”, “I am”, “I’m” or “I’m not”.
Teacher: Are you Maíra Tura?
Maíra: Yes, _______________.
Teacher: ___________ twelve years old?
Maíra: No, ___________ eleven.
Teacher: ____________ in Year 8?
Maíra: No, ___________ in Year 7.
Complete the sentences:
They’re / We’re / our / their
1- I’m Jenny and she’s Sue. _____________ sisters.
2- This is Paul and this is Dean. This is __________ father, Frank.
3- Are you and Lisa in the garden? No, ____________ in the kitchen.
4- Simon and Paul are brothers. ______________ house is in London.
5- Who are they? _____________ Bill and Liz.
6- I’m Trevor and this is Jackie. This is ____________ mother Trudy.
Write what these things are.
This is a banana.
Those are cherries.
Circle the correct word:
1- They’re / Their Pat and Ken.
2- It’s we’re / our car.
3- That’s they’re / their house.
4- We’re / Our in the house.
5- Is that they’re / their photo?
6- They’re / their my sisters.
7- That’s they’re / their school.
Everyday objects
Write sentences.
(Mike – bike) It’s Mike’s bike.
(Eddie – CDs) They’re Eddie’s CDs.
(Matt – bat) __________________________________________
(Michael – mobile phone) ____________________________________
(Mr. Coni – tables) __________________________________________
(Mrs. Ford – skateboard) _____________________________________
(Mr. Hooter – computer) ____________________________________
Use the names in the box and complete:
What’s her name? _________ name’s ________________________.
What’s _______ name? ________ name’s ________________________.
What’s _______ name? ________ name’s ________________________.
What’s _______ name? ________ name’s ________________________.
What’s _______ name? ________ name’s ________________________.
Tina – Bella – Susanna – Toby – Mark - Amy
Complete the conversations:
Is this your sister? Yes, ________ name’s Cathy, _______’s very clever.
Who is this? _________’s my brother. _________ name is Paul.
Is this your mother? No, _________’s my aunt. ________ name is Trisha. And ________’s my uncle. _________ name is Roger.
Complete the conversations with “Are you”, “I am”, “I’m” or “I’m not”.
Teacher: Are you Maíra Tura?
Maíra: Yes, _______________.
Teacher: ___________ twelve years old?
Maíra: No, ___________ eleven.
Teacher: ____________ in Year 8?
Maíra: No, ___________ in Year 7.
English Lesson 6
English Lesson 6
What’s your name? __________________________________________
Where are you from? ________________________________________
How old are you? ___________________________________________
Who is she? ____________________________________
Where is she from? ______________________________
Who is he? ____________________________________
Where is he from? ______________________________
Who are they? ___________________________
Where are they from? _____________________
Complete with verb to be:
I _______ Brazilian.
She ________ American.
He _________ Italian.
They ________ Spanish.
We _________ English.
Where are they from? Complete.
He is from Brazil. He is Brazilian.
She is from Spain. __________________________________________
He is from USA. ___________________________________________
They are from Italy. ________________________________________
Complete with he/she her/his
Flora is my best friend. ________ is from Brazil. __________ nationality is Brazilian. __________ mother is Denise and __________ father is Paul. She has one brother. ___________ name is Tiago. __________ is 3 years old. _________ is so cute!
Order the words to make phrases.
she / Brazilian / is / . ______________________________________
Brazil / is / from / he / . ____________________________________
Italy / is / she / from / ? ____________________________________
are / they / American / . _____________________________________
are / they / not / Spanish / . __________________________________
am / I / not / Canadian / . ____________________________________
you / are / Mexican / ? ______________________________________
What’s your name? __________________________________________
Where are you from? ________________________________________
How old are you? ___________________________________________
Who is she? ____________________________________
Where is she from? ______________________________
Who is he? ____________________________________
Where is he from? ______________________________
Who are they? ___________________________
Where are they from? _____________________
Complete with verb to be:
I _______ Brazilian.
She ________ American.
He _________ Italian.
They ________ Spanish.
We _________ English.
Where are they from? Complete.
He is from Brazil. He is Brazilian.
She is from Spain. __________________________________________
He is from USA. ___________________________________________
They are from Italy. ________________________________________
Complete with he/she her/his
Flora is my best friend. ________ is from Brazil. __________ nationality is Brazilian. __________ mother is Denise and __________ father is Paul. She has one brother. ___________ name is Tiago. __________ is 3 years old. _________ is so cute!
Order the words to make phrases.
she / Brazilian / is / . ______________________________________
Brazil / is / from / he / . ____________________________________
Italy / is / she / from / ? ____________________________________
are / they / American / . _____________________________________
are / they / not / Spanish / . __________________________________
am / I / not / Canadian / . ____________________________________
you / are / Mexican / ? ______________________________________
English Lesson 5
English Exercises
What’s your name? __________________________________________
How old are you? ___________________________________________
What’s your nationality? _____________________________________
Complete with 10 names of fruits.
1 - ___________________________
2 - ___________________________
3 - ___________________________
4 - ___________________________
5 - ___________________________
6 - ___________________________
7 - ___________________________
8 - ___________________________
9 - ___________________________
10 - __________________________
What fruit do you prefer? ____________________________________
The ______________ is _________ the table.
It’s _his_ _____________.
What’s your name? __________________________________________
How old are you? ___________________________________________
What’s your nationality? _____________________________________
Complete with 10 names of fruits.
1 - ___________________________
2 - ___________________________
3 - ___________________________
4 - ___________________________
5 - ___________________________
6 - ___________________________
7 - ___________________________
8 - ___________________________
9 - ___________________________
10 - __________________________
What fruit do you prefer? ____________________________________
The ______________ is _________ the table.
It’s _his_ _____________.
English Lesso 4
English Lesson 4
What’s your name? __________________________________________
Where are you from? ________________________________________
How old are you? ___________________________________________
Who is she? ____________________________________
Where is she from? ______________________________
Who is he? ____________________________________
Where is he from? ______________________________
Who are they? ___________________________
Where are they from? _____________________
Complete with verb to be:
I _______ Brazilian.
She ________ American.
He _________ Italian.
They ________ Spanish.
We _________ English.
Where are they from? Complete.
He is from Brazil. He is Brazilian.
She is from Spain. __________________________________________
He is from USA. ___________________________________________
They are from Italy. ________________________________________
Complete with he/she her/his
Flora is my best friend. ________ is from Brazil. __________ nationality is Brazilian. __________ mother is Denise and __________ father is Paul. She has one brother. ___________ name is Tiago. __________ is 3 years old. _________ is so cute!
Order the words to make phrases.
she / Brazilian / is / . ______________________________________
Brazil / is / from / he / . ____________________________________
Italy / is / she / from / ? ____________________________________
are / they / American / . _____________________________________
are / they / not / Spanish / . __________________________________
am / I / not / Canadian / . ____________________________________
you / are / Mexican / ? ______________________________________
Draw and complete.
Where’s your book? Where’s the ball?
______________________ ___________________________
Where’s the pencil? Where’s the cat?
_______________________ ___________________________
What’s your name? __________________________________________
Where are you from? ________________________________________
How old are you? ___________________________________________
Who is she? ____________________________________
Where is she from? ______________________________
Who is he? ____________________________________
Where is he from? ______________________________
Who are they? ___________________________
Where are they from? _____________________
Complete with verb to be:
I _______ Brazilian.
She ________ American.
He _________ Italian.
They ________ Spanish.
We _________ English.
Where are they from? Complete.
He is from Brazil. He is Brazilian.
She is from Spain. __________________________________________
He is from USA. ___________________________________________
They are from Italy. ________________________________________
Complete with he/she her/his
Flora is my best friend. ________ is from Brazil. __________ nationality is Brazilian. __________ mother is Denise and __________ father is Paul. She has one brother. ___________ name is Tiago. __________ is 3 years old. _________ is so cute!
Order the words to make phrases.
she / Brazilian / is / . ______________________________________
Brazil / is / from / he / . ____________________________________
Italy / is / she / from / ? ____________________________________
are / they / American / . _____________________________________
are / they / not / Spanish / . __________________________________
am / I / not / Canadian / . ____________________________________
you / are / Mexican / ? ______________________________________
Draw and complete.
Where’s your book? Where’s the ball?
______________________ ___________________________
Where’s the pencil? Where’s the cat?
_______________________ ___________________________
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